Understanding BEDTools `reldist`

I very often use BEDTools reldist to measure the co-occurrance of two lists of genomic features relative to the random expectation.

For instance, given the 2 BED files (a.bed and b.bed) in the data folder of this GitHub repo:

bedtools reldist -a data/a.bed -b data/b.bed

Will produce a file like this:

reldist	count	total	fraction
0.00	30	774	0.039
0.01	24	774	0.031
0.02	17	774	0.022
0.03	30	774	0.039
0.04	21	774	0.027
  • reldist = 0.01-bins of the relative distance metric (i.e. expect 50 non-header rows in the output file)
  • count = number of features in a.bed in a given reldist bin
  • total = total number of features in a.bed
  • fraction = count / total

And here is where things did not make sense a priori, as I knew a.bed contained 788 genomic features:

wc -l data/a.bed

Which did not match the 774 figure in the total column! Where did the 14 missing features go?

BEDtools works so nicely and is so widely used that assuming I was not understanding the behaviour of the reldist tool had higher priority than raising the idea of a bug, so I decided to dig a bit more into it.

By using reldist’s -detail option one can get the relative distance value for each interval in a.bed:

bedtools reldist -detail -a data/a.bed -b data/b.bed > data/a_reldist.bed

Effectively, relative distances were only generated for 774 of the 788 features in a.bed:

wc -l data/a_reldist.bed

So I could find those 14 missing features intersecting the original a.bed list with that containing the relative distance values:

bedtools intersect -wao -a data/a.bed -b data/a_reldist.bed

And this is how a calming pattern appeared! Each of the 14 missing features (denoted by missing values like . and -1 in the output of the command above) was at the end of the chromosome or followed by another missing feature. More clearly:

bedtools intersect -wao -a data/a.bed -b data/a_reldist.bed |grep -C 1 -P '\.\t'

The cartoon below illustrates what is happening:


Using A1 as an example, the relative distance metric is calculated as the minimum distance between A1 and the closest B feature (i) upstream and (ii) downstream, that is, B2 and B3, respectively, divided by the distance between B2 and B3. It seems clear now that such a metric cannot be calculated by definition for features A2, A3 and A4 as there are not more B features downstream. Nonetheless, the fraction of features in a.bed with missing relative distance values is very small anyway (14/788 or <2%).

Written on March 8, 2017